It is not possible to modify an order that has already been sent, however:

  • Cash on delivery orders can be canceled; just contact us through the contacts page and we will cancel the order for you.

To place a new order, it is necessary to cancel the previous order before it is shipped, and then place a new order with all the desired products.

If the order has been processed, it will no longer be possible to cancel it.

  • Orders placed with PayPal as the protected payment method cannot be modified.

Alternatively, you can cancel your order and place a new one by adding all the desired products to the cart.

Please note that in case of refunds made through PayPal, the refund will be processed according to the following timeline:

  •  Payments made using available PayPal balance: the refunded amount will be credited immediately
  • Payments made via PayPal using a credit card or bank account: the refunded amount will be credited within approximately 24/48 hours

If the information provided is not sufficient or if you want to cancel your PayPal order, contact us

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Centro Assistenza

Svapoebasta Pro - Ingrosso Sigarette Elettroniche e prodotti svapo

Domande Frequenti Sulla Puff Usa e Getta

Sito Autorizzato dai Monopoli di Stato

migliori sigarette elettroniche

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