Polar Line Flavors

We are pleased to present on this page the Polar concentrated flavors, from the TNT Vape line, the coolest line of the Italian brand of e-liquids.

The Polar line will give you an extra fresh touch with its fruity, creamy, and sweet flavors. Just dilute them in a percentage between 10% and 12%, with a maturation time of 4 to 5 days.

Have fun experimenting with these icy flavors: we at Svapoebasta can suggest starting from this short list!

  1. Breaking Bear: a fresh and fruity flavor, born from a mix of fruits: strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, passion fruit with anise and an extra fresh touch.
  2. Mandarillo: a fresh and fruity taste of tangerine, lemon, currant, grape with ice.
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